I suppose it’s time to awaken from my long slumber. In reality, it wasn’t much of a rest. I’ve been as busy as I’ve ever been. The more things change…. Anyway, today seems like a good time to begin again. There’s no time like the present as they say. With that thought in mind, I’m going to continue my very subjective countdown of my favorite poems (the ones that me, myself, and I have written). Next up is the fifth installment. That’ll be my next post. In the meantime, I suppose we have some catching up to do.

Well for starters, I haven’t gotten very far from home in a while. Then I suppose that isn’t much of a surprise to anyone. I also have a new collection of face coverings that make it easy for me to stick my tongue out at people without them ever knowing. 😜 Oh yeah, I changed the title of my upcoming novel to 2023: A Time Odyssey. In case you are wondering what the difference is between 2021 and 2023, here’s some simple math for you: 1+2=3. Actually, the difference is this: 3-1=2. I never was all that good at math, but I digress. The important thing is that my goal for 2021 is to publish 2023.

Other than that, I don’t really have any big plans to speak of this year. I imagine 2023, my poetry countdown, and an HBO Max subscription will keep me busy enough. It’s that or go back into hibernation like Punxsutawney Phil. No, I think I’m rested enough. Here we go….